Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is a kind of heart problem that not only affects the heart itself; it also takes a toll on the blood vessels, particularly the arteries and the veins. There are also instances in which the capillaries are also affected by this class of diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases can be very tricky, as in most cases they present themselves to affect only the heart. However, it will only be discovered later on that the blood vessels are also in bad shape, after the patient undergoes a thorough diagnosis with a heart specialist.

Causes of cardiovascular illnesses

There are many causes of cardiovascular conditions. Unlike other heart problems, conditions under this category are not congenital, although there are some situations that they are developed during infancy.

Cardiovascular problems are usually caused by poor lifestyle practices, such as obesity. Persons who are found to be obese and are high in fat and cholesterol are mostly at risk to cardiovascular issues, mainly because their blood vessels are easily clogged in the process.

Persons who have a history of hypertension are also at risk to such conditions, as well as persons with diabetes.

Apart from poor diet and obesity, vices also play a big role in promoting the onset of cardiovascular problems. Smoking is a leading cause of many types of cardiovascular diseases, as it blocks not only the passages of the blood, but the quality of the blood itself. It also affects other vital organs in the body, such as the lungs, liver and the brain.

How to avoid cardiovascular diseases

Since cardiovascular conditions are brought by poor health and lifestyle practices, it means that they can be avoided. It’s more of a holistic revamp, as you not only have to quit your vices, but as well change your outlook towards life as a whole.

One way to keep your cardiovascular health at the top of its game is by following a cleaner and more nutritious diet. This requires focusing on fiber, protein and different vitamins and minerals, while regulating fat and carbohydrate intake.

If you are at risk to hypertension or diabetes, then the more important it is for you to take care of your diet. Blood sugar should be controlled at sustainable levels, the same way with blood pressure.

As for vices, if you cannot fully get rid of them, you may begin by reducing their consumption until such time that you can live without them. Alcohol and nicotine do not really contribute anything significant to your health, and you are better off without them.

Lastly, if you want to maintain optimal cardiovascular health, then you should make it a point to exercise regularly. Exercise not only pumps up the blood vessels; it also trains the heart to function normally at all times.

Cardiovascular diseases are the world's #1 cause of death. Dr Peter Yan, Medical Director of PHVC, explains about cardio and vascular diseases. http://www.phvc.sg/director-message.html

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