You may have heard of Spiritual Health Coaching and wondered what it is all about. This article includes some questions you may be thinking of as well as answers from an actual Spiritual Health Coach.
What is Spiritual Health Coaching?
Spiritual Health Coaching is the process where a properly trained and licensed Spiritual Health Coach (SHC) helps you to find answers to your spirit based questions and concerns. This is an empowering experience because the Spiritual Health Coach asks targeted questions and provides a sacred space for you to search in depth for the answers. As you more than likely already have the answers, the Spiritual Health Coach just provides the tools for you to find them.
Think of it this way, aren't you more likely to follow your own advice rather than someone else's? Only you know the whole story, so when you come up with a solution, it is likely the right one.
What questions are appropriate to bring to a Spiritual Health Coach?
This question has been asked of me from both friends and potential clients. Since Spiritual Health Coaching is not yet as common as other forms of coaching (i.e. life coaching, career coaching, etc.) many people wonder what concerns are appropriate to discuss with a Spiritual Health Coach. Some immediate questions that come to mind are: What is the next step on my spiritual path? What spiritual path is right for me? I feel like I want to connect to a higher power, but am not sure where to start. What is keeping me from progressing in my spiritual growth? As a general rule, if it has to do with any aspect of your personal spirituality, it is likely a good question to work with a SHC on.
On the other side of that question, some of the topics that a SHC is unable to work with you on are physical health issues, mental health issues and legal matters. Spiritual Health Coaches are unable to treat or diagnose any illness or provide recommendations in areas that we are not trained or certified in.
Is information provided to a SHC considered confidential?
Information provided to a nutrition certification Health Coach is most definitely considered confidential as well as sacred. Your SHC should be providing you with a confidentiality certification to sign before coaching sessions begin. This is so that it is clear between both you and the coach that any information you provide to your coach is considered confidential and will not be discussed outside of a session.
What can I expect during a session and how long does it last?
This depends on the Spiritual Health Coach that you have in mind. Sessions can be either in person or via phone, though due to proximity, most are done over the phone. The length of the sessions varies by coach as well. Mine last between 40 minutes to an hour. The variance is to make sure that the client feels they have made progress on their topic of choice and to provide natural closure to the session. Many Spiritual Health Coaches will provide a complimentary session in order to get to know you better (and vice versa) and find out more about your concern. This could also be considered an intake session. Consider this the perfect time to ask questions of your potential SHC to find out if they are the right "fit" for you. If your concern is not the right fit for Spiritual Health Coaching or requires more than what the coach can provide, they may provide a referral. Remember too, they have the right as well to decide if a potential client is a right fit and may provide a referral to another coach.
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