Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Easy To Detect And Cure Malfunctioning In Human Body

Human body is comprised of thousands cells, two hundred and six bones, flesh and several glands. The composition of blood and water play vital role. If any of the above components start malfunctioning then the whole system gets affected. People may fall sick or become prey of any unknown danger. Then proper diagnosis along with medication prevents further spread of the problem and relieves the person concerned from the pain.
Thyroid – An Underactive Part
The human body consists of head, body with hands and finally legs. In between the head and chest, the neck acts as a connector for each other. Inside it resides the thyroid gland. It is considered to be one of the largest glands with lobes interconnected. Sometimes it is also called the thyroid. IT is situated below the cartilage known as Adam’s apple. 
This portion is responsible for keeping the energy, protein content and sensitivity of hormones under control. Various hormones are produced namely:
  • Triodothyronine
  • Thyroxin which participate in the processing.
These hormones highly affect the rate of function along with growth of other systems into the body. Iodine and tyrosine act as synthesizers. The production of calcitonin plays a vital role in calcium quality. 
Realization of Danger Associated
In general thyroid function is not affected unless serious. But in today’s polluted environment little bit risk exists in absorbing cancer related issues. Some of the most prevalent symptoms associated with affected underactive thyroid include:
  • Painless lump in throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Neck with swollen lymph nodes
These indicate either a casual or dangerous issue. Some additional symptoms related to hypothyroidism can be stated as under:
      Excessive fatigue in body
      Poor constipation
      Weakness in muscle
      Face with a puffy look
      Sensitivity to cold
      Impairing of memory
      Frequent depression
      Hair becoming thinner
      Affected memory
Other than laziness these all are some kind of additional pieces of pain one bears. Hence proper precautions must be taken before it turns to be a nightmare.
Care and Cure
Being in touch with the nature cures many diseases automatically. There is a valuable quoting that prevention is always better than cure. The same proverb can be made applicable in this case as well. Before approaching any surgeon for a painful surgery one needs to lead a disciplined life. In the school days the line “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” taught proves to be of high importance in the further stages of life.
Natural remedies have proved to be far better than the temporary and risky measures. Consumption of protein rich nutrients along with a balanced diet is the medication. Going for a walk, some sort of exercise along with balanced diet will put bars in front of these upcoming malfunctions. Consumption of tobacco along with other narcotics must be avoided to prevent the spread of cancer.
It must be noted that addiction kills and thrills. They are just a source of timely comfort. Fat and cholesterol added diets must be kept in control rather than giving preference to tongue taste. Last but not the least stale and open food items must be avoided as they are carriers of other types of harmful issues. Before getting late, good habits must be applied in practical life from childhood so that it gives a bright face to health.

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