Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Sensitivity Of Thyroid Problem In Women: Check The Symptoms

Thyroid is the common ailment found in many healthy individuals at today’s time. Generally, women experience such problem more than men do. Every human body is built with the presence of pituitary gland present just under Adam’s apple. It has two sections or lobes connected under the area of Adam’s apple. The production of thyroid hormone determines the growth of any person during growing ages too. However, any decreased or increased level of production in this hormone points out any ailment relating to the thyroid function. Two types of problems can be experienced mostly. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the two conditions of thyroid problem. Elevated level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone due to low activity of thyroid is called hypothyroidism. Decreased level of TSH due to high activity of thyroid is called hyperthyroidism.
Symptoms to check in women
Worldwide, women suffer from hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism due to several changes in the body. A woman goes through many conditions during their life period. The pregnancy creates these problems also. Sometimes, the body of the women does not grow properly because of the poorly functioned pituitary gland. Many believe that women are weaker than men are which is false. They are not weak but some conditions make them. However, sometime they are fatigued, depressed, out of energy because of the underlying conditions untreated and unattended. Hypothyroidism symptoms are sluggishness, depressed mood, dry hair, and skin, brittle nails, menstrual irregularity, unexplained weight gain, constipation, intolerance to cold etc. Hyperthyroidism symptoms are anxiety, weight loss, rapid heartbeats, trembling hands, weakness, diarrhoea, eye discomfort, warm feeling, unexplained blockage in conceiving, menstrual changes, warm feeling etc.
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism: understanding of the medical facts
At the beginning of the situation, medical practitioners order the blood test to determine the level of TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone, T3 or triiodothyronine and thyroxin or T4. The normal value of the TSH is 0.4-4.2mU/L. if the blood test highlights the elevation of TSH, then it is called Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism happens when TSH hormones are not absorbed by the thyroid gland like in normal condition. This is the condition because of low active gland. Hyperthyroidism is the condition when TSH hormone at its low level. In this situation, gland’s activity is higher than normal form. Overactive gland absorbs more TSH than required by creating hyperthyroidism.
The medical practitioner in thyroid related problem
Thyroid problems fall under the endocrinology area of the medical sector. The practitioner reads the symptoms present in the people to decide if blood tests are required or not. These conditions can be maintained by using some prescribed drugs that are easily available. The thyroid symptoms in women mimics with other conditions too. Therefore, understanding the nature of health is the task of a qualified medical practitioner only. Untreated thyroid problem or any presence of thyroid tumor can elevate the thyroid too. Sometimes, radiation and certain drugs misbalance the level of thyroid secretion hormone too. Talk to a practitioner if you have such conditions for a long period without any reason.

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