Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Symptoms To Check Hypothyroidism In Individuals Of All Age

Thyroid is the gland present in every healthy individual’s body to produce important hormones. Thyroid is a gland that has two connected lobes. The extraction of the hormone from this gland controls major areas in the human body. It decides the amount of energy body will consume. It helps to make proteins in body. This maintains the sensitivity of other hormones also. This hormone secretion manages growth and functions inside body completely. However, many people are suffering from the misbalancing of the thyroid hormones in their body. Many points that are unknown to normal people can trigger this. If the problem is left untreated, then it may become life threatening for some also. Here is the information on the symptoms of underactive thyroid.
Underactive thyroid: the hypothyroidism in people
Hypothyroidism is the medical term of the low than normal active thyroid of any individual. In this ailment, the thyroid gland is incapable of producing necessary thyroid hormone. This problem is present in adult male, female and children of all ages. To determine the condition, a medical practitioner orders TSH, T3 and T4 test. However, underactive thyroid symptoms are present in the people. This can be helpful to suspect the presence of problem. Generally, consumption of lower than normal iodine triggers the problem of hypothyroidism. This blocks the natural growth of the children in their growing ages.
The symptoms to suspect the presence of low active thyroid
The problem of hypothyroidism is present in more women than men. Any person with the condition can experience fatigue, depression, dry hair, dry skin, sensitivity to cold, constipation, unexplained weight gain, slow heat beat, and brittle nails etc. women may experience irregular menstrual cycle because of low active hormone. The blood test determines the condition. Any increased level in the blood test of thyroid panel can be the hypothyroidism. To minimise the effect, governments of leading countries have mandated the usage of iodinated salt. Iodine is the component to manage the condition in large.
The improvement in situations
These symptoms of underactive hormone mimics with other conditions too. That is why; determining the situation inside the body can be done by blood test only. Depression and low energy can be because of many things. However, avoiding the situation for a long time may bring other severe situations. Women may experience problems during pregnancy if hypothyroidism is present. This will harm the health of unborn child. The elevated level of TSH can invite the risk of heart attack and stroke too. it is because; cholesterol level in blood elevates by making the health at risk.
To manage the situation
The medical practitioners are the people with the understanding of this situation. Hypothyroidism is normal at present times. Most of the time, they are manageable by using some prescribed drugs only. However, there are certain foods that need to be avoided to elevate the risk of hypothyroidism. Diet controls a lot of functions in the body, follow a healthy routine of food habits and minimise the risk of getting any ailments.

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