These are all successful Network marketing companies who have survived. There are over 80 MLM companies going strong today, but many thousands have failed before them.
If you are thinking about MLM or network marketing, looking at this list can tell us one important thing - all the products sold by these companies are "evergreen" products. The products were in demand 10 years ago and will still be needed in years to come.
So if the MLM companies you are thinking about joining do not have an evergreen product, you should think twice about joining. What's popular today may be "so yesterday" tomorrow. MLM just doesn't work well outside of this boundary for any length of time, which means you will be out of a paycheck quickly.
So in order for your network marketing business to be successful, the company you join should already be successful, have a proven track record and also have the following attributes:
Seriously thinking of joining a MLM opportunity? Then you are well-advised to stick with joining a top network marketing company that has survived at least five years. Stay away from early startups because they are simply not work the risk.
When I first start in network marketing I seriously did not believe in what I was doing to the point of sandbagging my own success. Every time I was close to sponsoring someone new, or closing a new deal I would go ahead and subconsciously lose before I could get results.
This is something that I have struggled with in the beginning of my MLM journey, and that is finding a company that I believe in wholeheartedly. When I first dived into MLM I didn't really understand what I was doing, nor did I have a full belief in what I was doing and now to this date I realize why I didn't experience the success that I truly desired.
The importance here lies in the fact that we must believe in what we do wholeheartedly, in spirit and in faith that we can TRULY appreciate our products and services. If you hate what you promote you will not go very far inside of the network marketing industry.
Here are the fundamental principles to keep in mind when looking for a "home" in network marketing:
First, believe in the product and services you are promoting. For example, do you DESIRE to promote health and wellness products? Are you INTO anti aging technology? Do you FAVOR promoting travel packages to others? The emphasis on the capitalized words is what we must focus on, because once we have a solid belief in the product we can move to the second version.
Second, are you in alignment with the company leadership? You must determine fully if you believe in the message of the leadership, if you believe in the vision of where they are heading, and you can feel comfortable blending in with their message. This is important because if you are not in alignment with the company leadership your down line and customers will not respect what you have to say and eventually lose focus because you had contradicting with what people above you are saying and doing, which leads me to...
Be sure that the system the company is endorsing is in alignment with the system that you are using. For example, if you are using proper MARKETING methods and your company is using OUTDATED methods then there is a difference in the message. Again, this falls into being in alignment, but as a distributor you must pick a marketing system that is futuristic in the sense that you can truly leverage your efforts.
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